Facebook Posts From 2008: The Internet Doesn’t Forget

Facebook was a strange place 2007-2009… Here are the winners in my book.

1. Bobby for being REALLY honest (maybe a little too honest). He claims his sister wrote at least one of these posts as a prank.

bobby moms cooking 3bobby hand in pants 3

2. “Jared” for crushing it with ladies, circa 2008.

George needs a wingman 2

3. Zach, for never giving up. No matter how tired he was. 

Zach tired collage 3

4. Sean, for helping invent the “auto-correct” feature a few years later.

Sean spelling 3 v2sean spelling 2 v2sean spelling 1 v2

5. Kayla, for being my friend? 

Kayla Fieldtrip v2Kayla ryan likes boys v2

6. Carol, for finding a safer way to be a gangster.

carol squirt gun v2

7. Evan, for f***** crushing the driver’s ed exam.

Evan drivers ed 2

8. Brittany, for always being available via text.

britt text collage.png

9. Erin, for telling the world about “Harry Potter Puppet Palls.”

Erin voldemort v2

10. Ryan, for learning proper boating safety at a young age. 

ryan boats and hoes

11. Jake, for not giving up on social media, even when the odds were stacked against him.

jake photo comments 2


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